

It all began in 1935, when 19-year-old Earl Brockelsby discovered people's innate interest in snakes. As a young tour guide at a local Rapid City attraction, this fearless snake enthusiast would often end his tours by removing his hat and revealing a live rattlesnake coiled on top of his head!

He took special note of the visitors' reactions – they were always excited and thrilled to see a live rattlesnake close-up.

Reptile enthusiast with an entrepreneurial spirit

Wanting to explore people’s fascination with snakes, Earl enlisted the aid of some friends and built an 18 by 24 foot building at the top of a long hill about 3 miles south of Rapid City, and put a handful of specimens on display - the location was carefully chosen because in those days, cars would often overheat as they reached the top of a long hill. The idea was for them to stop in Reptile Gardens' parking lot to cool their radiators and maybe stay to see the Gardens.

On June 3, 1937, the doors were opened, and the Black Hills Reptile Gardens was officially in business. Admission was 10¢ for adults and 5¢ for children to see the exhibit. That first day of operation Reptile Gardens took in $3.85. For the next two days, no one visited and on the following two days it took in only 40 cents and 50 cents respectively. Fortunately business improved; by 1941, the business had 15 employees and was showing a profit.

World War II slowed business down drastically with gas rationing and with Earl and his pals serving in the military as part of the “Greatest Generation.” After the war, things picked up again, and many new exhibits were added. More improvements were made to the buildings and premises, and business steadily increased throughout the 1950s.

Modernizing the Reptile Park

In 1965, Reptile Gardens was forced to move due to the construction of a new highway. Moving to its current location - six miles south of Rapid City in Spring Creek valley - the new and improved park featured a new Sky Dome with a Safari Room. This large enclosed area gave visitors the rare opportunity to walk amongst free-roaming reptiles and birds. Although this kind of exhibit has become common at zoos, Earl was among the first to envision and create one in the US.

Tragic Events

We have also survived our share of setbacks and natural disasters:

Image of the after math from the Sky Dome Fire with some of the walls blackened but the Ponderosa pine skeleton is standing tall.

Sky Dome Fire

In August of 1976, the aluminum and plastic upper dome structure (that houses the main reptile exhibits and the Safari Room) burned - the plastic dome melted and covered everything below; the heat-weakened aluminum structure collapsed into the Safari Room. Sadly, hundreds of reptiles and birds died - some of which were irreplaceable. Although, the huge old Ponderosa pine skeleton in the center of the Safari Room narrowly escaped being crushed - the old tree remains the centerpiece of the Safari Room today.

A new dome with new exhibits was built over the course of the following winter; the Safari Room was planted with cactus and exotic plants brought in by the semi-load. New animals were obtained from far and wide, and all was ready to reopen in the spring of 1977.


The great Rapid City flood of 1972 caused only minor damage to the grounds. However, another flood in June 1977 was far worse. An isolated thunderstorm dumped 7 inches of rain in a small area upstream, and caused a major flash flood which covered the property with three feet of water, icy hail and much debris. During the height of the flood, the giant tortoises were swept out of their pen and carried away. Fortunately, they were all rescued at other places on the property.

An interesting side note: Some scientists have theorized that giant tortoises arrived in the Galapagos by being carried out to sea and floating to the islands.

If you’d like to learn more about the fascinating life of Earl Brockelsby and the history of Reptile Gardens, be sure to read Rattlesnake Under His Hat: The Life and Times of Earl Brockelsby by Sam Hurst.  Earl Brockelsby's biography offers a rare insight into the evolution of tourism in the American West in the years after World War II when millions of families piled into their automobiles and set out on the vacation adventures that shaped the national identity and fueled the mythology of the region.


Earl's legacy endures.

We are one of the largest reptile zoo in the world, housing more species of reptiles than any other zoo or wild animal park. But, we’re not just about the animals! We also showcase a myriad of flowers and flowerbeds, orchids and bromeliads - expanding the park far beyond what Earl could have imagined.

Our second and third generations are dedicated to carrying on his vision, not only by having top-notch displays, but also by offering outstanding hospitality. The State of South Dakota has honored us twice with the George Mickelson Award for Great Service to South Dakota visitors (1994 and 2018), the only organization so far to be honored twice.

We continue on as a family business with Earl's nephew, Joe Maierhauser, as the President, Chairman of the Board, & CEO; Earl’s sons, John as Director of Public Relations, and Jeff as Corporate Treasurer and Assistant Director of Public Relations; his daughter, Judee Oldham, is the Corporate Secretary and her son, Jeff Oldham, is Assistant General Manager.

The Reptile Gardens Mission Statement:

"Through our passions we inspire, educate, and entertain all who visit our world-class zoo and botanical garden."

Dog Policy

We love all animals, wild and domesticated. Unfortunately due to a high number of recent incidents with dogs, our insurance company has advised us that we can no longer allow dogs, or other personal pets, on the Reptile Gardens grounds. ADA approved service dogs are, of course, allowed although there are three areas where they are not allowed for their safety and the safety of our animals. We do offer a shaded grassy area adjacent to our parking lot for walking your dog. We only ask that your pet be leashed and attended to at all times. You are welcome to come and go from the park as often as you like to tend to your dog. For more information, visit our FAQ Page


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