Gator Watch in Akron, Ohio!
If you happen to be at the All-American Soapbox Derby in Akron, Ohio the weekend of July 20 and 21, 2013, you may recognize something very familiar.
Ally Claar, age 11, will be competing with the best of the best soapbox racers in her Reptile Gardens inspired entry, the Ally-Gator. Ally qualified to go to the All-American with her race time in the Pikes Peak Soap Box Derby in June.
The Soap Box Derby is a youth racing program that has been running nationwide since 1934. The World Championship finals are held annually in July for each of the Stock, Super Stock, and Masters division Soap Box Derby races. Attendees and competitors are from locations around the globe.
More than 550 youth between the ages of 7 and 17 represented their home communities in the 75th All-American Soap Box Derby on Saturday, July 21, 2012. They came from 40 states in the United States, as well as from Canada, Germany, Japan and New Zealand, and qualified with the racers they had built and driven to victory in their home communities. This year again, the event is predicted to be well attended with entries from around the world.
Local champions from each of the Stock, Super Stock and Masters Division Soap Box Derby races throughout the world come to Akron in July each year to compete for scholarships, merchandise, and prizes in the All-American Soap Box Derby.
We will certainly be cheering for the Ally-Gator in this year's event!